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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Matchday #6 : Diao trails a comeback victory from falling one behind

Zephyrs 1 - 2 Diao

Diao showed the real poacher effect on a comeback victory over Zephyrs on Matchday #6 clash as Zephyrs lead by Hilmi Razani strike before Wan Muhammad Faris equaliser and Asyraf Zainal winning goal seal three point for Diao to climb up Group A standing. Zephyrs firstly hit the attack button , as Hilmi Razani nearly give them a flyers with a long range free kick hit the post. The woodwork again being Hilmi Razali enemy as his strike from outside of the box again hit the post, keep Diao goal saved. Stunned by the attack, Diao make some move toward Zephyrs goal generated by midfielder Syazwan Azrie give some chance to create a goal. Diao striker, Firdaus Azmy nearly give Diao a lead but his shot going straight to the goal. Zul Irfan also got a chance as the winger got a free shot but the shot goes wide. Zephyrs break the deadlock as Hilmi Razali being the real threat for Diao when he snubbed a cross from Zubair Khalid into the back of the net to give a 1-0 lead for Zephyrs. Unlucky to fall behind, Diao strengten their attack, moving the ball forward in order to equalise, and their ultimate chance came when they were given penalty foul Zephyrs foul, but the penalty taken by Firdaus Azmy was too high over the post. The score remain until halftime. Halftime team talks surely do something to Diao, as they seem more aggresive in the second half, keeping up the possesion and pressuring the final third of the pitch. The equaliser finally came, as Wan Muhammad Faris put a good performance to dribble down the penalty box, beating three defender before give a well struck shot beating Zephyrs goalkeeper Sathia Steelan for Diao first goal. The momentum created from the goal continued, as Wan Muhammad Faris cross few minute later well intercepted by Asyraf Zainal in front of the goal, and he netting the ball with a powerful strike for Diao second goal. A nightmare for Diao, as they need to played with 10 player on the pitch, as their centre back, Amri Azri got a second yellow card. Both team have several chance before final whistle as Amin Fahim shot save by the keeper and Zulfaiz Zulhazni free kick goes too high.Final Score : Zephyrs 1 - 2 Diao

Zephyrs Diao
1 2
Ahmad Hilmi Razani Wan Muhammad Faris
Asyraf Zainal
Yellow Card
Ahmad Hilmi Razani Syazwan Azri
Hafiz Kamisan
Zamri Ismail
Red Card
Amri Azri Zulkifli
Man of the Match
Wan Muhammad Faris

Zephyrs lineup : Zulfaiz Zulhasni, Husiyandi A/L Husni, Iqbal Ahmad, Mahfuz Alias, Zubair Khalid, Hilmi Razani,, Sahthia Seelan, Izzul Asyraf, Azri Khairuddin, Iqmal Irsyad, Shafiq Che Muda
Subs : Safuan Syukri, Akmal Asyraf, Farith Fauzi, Khairul Adri, Nur Helmi Hasan

Diao lineup : Zamri Ismail, Hafiz Kamisan, Amri Azri, Usamah Azman, Qhaizul Azmi, Syazwan Azrie, Haziq Faiz, Zul Irfan, Asyraf Zainal, Wan Muhammad Faris, Firdaus Azmy
Subs : Amin Fahim, Ammar Ramli, Firdaus Haji Sateri, Hafizuddin Adha, Zulfadhli Zarawi


  1. xclap aku la kan
    ade lg kan player diao yg dpt yellow card..
    tul ke erk..
    juz nk tnye

  2. yg tu ak dlam report yg referee tick tu je la..klu ad yg aku xtulis atas tu pon amri azri la dpat dua yellow.

  3. 2la..ak ase mcm ad lg plyer diao yg dpt yllow card..hrp pihak pngurusan cek balik spya x brlku ketidakadilan..hehehe

  4. bukan kew kad kuning yang dilayangkan lebih dari 6?..harap siasatan dapat dijalankan agar keadilan dapat ditegakkan....jauhkan penyelewangan dari permainan kitaaa....dgr kata pihak pengurusan ramai yg terdiri dari penyokong2 diao..harap2 kebenaran dpt ditegakkan..yeeehaaaaa

  5. ketidakadilan penyelewengan ape plak la ni...ak tulis ikut yg ref bg je la..ak da 10 kali check xde yang tertinggal..kalu ko nk tgok sngt report tu jumpa kitaorg kat pdang kejap ag..dan kami xde mase la nk wat penyelewengan2 ni..kalau ad bookie2 lain la..liga utp je pon bkan epl.

  6. btul2..seingt aku la kan..
    rase nye wan muhd faris tu pn kne yellow gk kan time game tu..
    so mengikut perkiraan aku die pn patut kne suspend
    next game..tul x?

    btw, pnp..klu bly ley x letak sekali player yg kne suspension kat blog ke kat fb..
    so sng la player sme nk tgk die kne suspend ke x..
    xda la wujud kontroversi..

    yg lain gud job pnp..
    ko mmg wt kerja yg terbaik..

  7. mcm mane nk pastikan bnd tu betol??
    sbb aku tgk kat page DIAO FC bdk die sendiri yang cakap, "now we'll have a great story to share with everyone every year on my birthday : 11 yellow card, 1 red card yet doesn't stop DIAO FC from win the match. thank you for each and everyone in DIAO."

  8. klu korg msih xpuas hati meh kte wat meeting..ktorg tnjuk match report dri ref..

    terus terang 11 yellow card.
    Allah maha adil.

  10. 11 yellow card ? Banyak gila!! Betul ke statement ni wahai committee?????

  11. anonymous2 sekalian, aku xskg spe2.. tp klau btol ada yg xtick kad kuning, dtg la jumpe kitorg. tgok match report yg ref sign. klau korg protest kt cni xde gune pon.jumpe je mne2 commitee.kitorg ada je selalu.jgn takot,kitorg xmkn org.

  12. scorer bukan hilmi laaaa. Syafiq che muda yang score. no. 11. yellow card bapak obvious sket gle. memang laa utp league jeh, bukan epl. baik x payah line's man n reff.utp league JEEE kannnnnn... macam maen petang2. bukan epl.... no bokiee2.

  13. pandainye la korang. antara wall post kat fb ngan report dari ref mana lagi boleh caya. fikir la sikit kawan2..wall post tu mcam menganjing la...nak kasik birthday dia tu mcam grand2 sikit. pe laa. malu la aku nk ngaku student utp klau ada student utp lain yg kolot mcam korang2 ni///

  14. 1 person like this

  15. setiap butir2 pelawanan berdasarkan standard operating procedure (S.O.P)...dgn kata lain,hitam putih dari refree..jika ada ketidakpuasan hati,sila berjumpa dgn organizer...kalau xtahu,jangan buat2 tahu...ada hitam putih baru boleh cakap lebih...

  16. salam..tumpang tanye..
    nk tnye skit..
    korang mmg amik butir2 perlawanan sebijik dari ref erk?
    ade x komiti len kat tepi pdg yg tlg catit skali ape yg berlaku..kad kuning,kad merah sape score sme tu..
    sbb ikut pengalaman la,
    ptt nye ade komiti kat tepi catit sme details tu
    then tally ngan ref..
    sbb ref ni slalu cm terlpe n la..
    nk catit info smbl jd ref..
    susah taw..klu korang tgk international game pn ade 4th offcial yg assisst ref tlg catit sme info tu in case ref wt silap sme..
    so aku cadangkan ade la org tlg catit sme ni..
    klu da ade komiti yg ptt catit ni sme, sori to say la aku rase komiti xwat keje la cm tu sbb org sme tgk game kat pdg tu nmpk kut ape yg berlaku..
    bkn nk condem korang..jus nk bg pandangan n nasihat..
    hope korang dpt amik pape la daripada pndangan aku
    thanx so much..
    gud job so far

  17. owh . ok . memang report dari reff yg boleh dipercayai banding dgn wall fb .
    ok berdasarkan SOP ekh . owhhh .
    tapi , kalau tgk kenyataan , ramai lagi player diao yg kene yellow card . bape ramai org saksi kat luar padang nampak . dan x kan la org dari organizer xde langsung mase match ptg ue ???
    so lepas ni , boleh la kumpul kad kuning byk2 , sebab x kan kene suspended kan .
    so , nak salahkan sape ? reffree ? sebab bg sop salah ?
    so, organizer take action la . byk kekeliruan yg berlaku .
    tapi lupe la plak, utp league je kan , bukan epl . sori2 . lupe .

  18. fuiyoo .
    betoi2 wall fb saje je lah . ref betoi .
    anonymous kat atas ue student utp yg sgt bijak , pandai fikir , ade otak , power, dean list , cemerlang , alim , tapi tak payah la ckp org lain KOLOT wahai si bijaksana :) sedap2 mulut je nak ckp org kan .
